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We will be looking at 2 Corinthians 5:13
For if we are beside ourselves, it is for God; if we are of sound mind, it is for you.
Now, God is not here calling us to purposefully be weird followers of His Son. Rather, we are told that there is a higher calling upon our life than preserving our self dignity.
Simply put, we are not called to check in with those around us to determine if our actions and behaviors are acceptable; rather, we are called to reckless abandonment in following Christ
Being Christian entails letting go of our hopes and dreams, in order to pick up all that God has for us regardless of the cost, and following Him.
What is keeping you from such radical obedience
Now listen to this quote: “The fear of losing anything is the inability to prepare for the best.”
So, if there is there anything keeping you from walking in such boldness, let me remind us all that Christ’s sacrifice defeated the power of the Devil that has bound us to such fears as these.