Good Day this is Michael De Rosa and I will be expounding on  Psalm 104:22

When the sun rises they withdraw
And lie down in their dens.

The sun is the marker for lions to stop their hunt and to rest

What is your constant indicator to rest from your labors? 

While God has given us many talents, we -like the lion- need to lie down to rest.  

And we are given guideposts, markers as to when rest is needed.  Unfortunately, we Americans don’t rest as often as we need.

One large reason for this is that we are constantly connected with such things as the internet, the many television networks, and our cell phones.

And, yet: We. Need. To. Rest. 

Now, while studies have shown the negative effects from not resting, do you realize, Christian, that God has ordained rest and that God supplies our needs when we rest?

You, Christian need to make the decision today if you will honor Your creator by aligning yourself to the rest your body needs so that you can be more productive for His kingdom

Categories: Psalms 104:22