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Matthew 6 11 daily breadThis is Michael De Rosa and I want to talk with you about prayer and specifically prayer our daily needs.

My text today is found in Matthew 6:11  

‘Give us this day our daily bread


Jesus is teaching his disciples to ask God with confidence in order to receive from to that He has already promised

Now we are not asking because God needs to be reminded; rather WE need to be reminded of what our true needs are because the daily stresses of life quickly distract us from these things, masking our primary need of knowing Jesus with other seemingly essential

So, as we are in the wake of our primary elections for our next president, it is good to know that even our concerns for future leadership is trumped by our need to first seek God for what His provisions for us are at this time.

Anything less than this focus will can lead us astray from His calling in our life.

In closing, consider that if your prayers are filled with uncertainty might you be asking God for things that are outside of His providence for you?


Blessings on your Journey,


Categories: Matthew 6:11