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2 Corinthians 5:7 We will be looking at 2 Corinthians 5;7,

for we walk by faith, not by sight—



Walking by faith is adopting a life style that is consistent with our confident belief in God’s promises.

Walking by faith begins with our confession that our lives have been wracked by sin and that God in Christ is the Only One who can redeem us because He has totally identified with us in our humanity, yet without sin.

On the other hand, walking by sight entails responding to all that is around us only through our five physical senses with God being, at best, an after thought as we make decisions throughout
the day.

Namely, walking by sight sets our compass on stupefied when our meticulously planned lives don’t turn out as…well…as we planned.

In closing, let me leave you with this litmus test in order to help you know how well you are walking by faith.

The amount of unresolved inner stress you have is inversely proportion to your ability to walk by faith.

Blessings on your Journey!

