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Good day, this is Michael De Rosa, and we will be looking at Isaiah 55:1
“Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost.
Thirst here describes spiritual thirst, a craving for something beyond ourselves that would help us to know that there is a God and that He really is in Control
And no amount of brainpower, or financial resources, or even longevity of life can ever bring us to a place where this spiritual thirst is quenched.
There is only one thing alone that suffices to give us this rest, and that hearing and responding to God’s invitation to Come.
Yet, hearing God’s Invitation to Come requires that we acknowledge that all our efforts to have that deep abiding spiritual contentment are not enough, will never be enough, and only perpetuate our sin of self-sufficiency.
So, my friends, in closing, let me leave you with this thought:
While this Pandemic has caused concerns, and worry, and panic, I pray that it will also open our eyes to see that the peace we long for is not from finding a vaccine, but in finding our Savior, Jesus Christ