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Acts 16;10 The Unhampered LifeGood day, this is Michael De Rosa and today lets look at Acts 16:10

10 When he had seen the vision, immediately we sought to go into Macedonia, concluding that God had called us to preach the gospel to them.

Reading the entire context, you will note how Paul bears up under hardships, and that through it all, Paul’s focus was only on following God’s leading in declaring the good news.

He had no other agenda.

Have you known people who have misplaced their good intentions on praying for answers that when they did not materialize, their life unraveled?

When we have our own desires mixed into following our Lord, life gets confusing because we inadvertently begin to superimpose our hopes into His will for us, making the two synonymous.

In closing, consider this alternative: an unhampered life so dedicated to the single purpose of following God that when hardships come, you can honestly praise God because you have the peace in knowing that His grand purpose for you is being fulfilled.


Blessings on your Journey



Categories: Acts 16:10