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Romans 3:23-24Good day, friend, this is Michael De Rosa and today I want to look at Romans 3:23-24

23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.



Sin is an uncomfortable reality in our world today. While we intently address its symptoms, we remain blinded to its cause.

For instance, our governments understand that crime must be punished, but the solutions, too often, don’t deal with man’s inclination towards evil.

Instead, we seek to do such things as enforce stricter controls on guns.

But to gather around an altar to pray for a solution to all this bedlam is deemed politically incorrect.

Now don’t be discouraged over this

Christ disregarded the political incorrectness leveled against Him and set his face towards being the redemption from sin that God planned since time began.

And we, likewise, in His strength can declare the remedy our world desperately is looking for to conquer its problems

The only question that remains is this:

Will you live your life in such a way to witness to this Reality?