Ephesians 5:29

for no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ also does the church,

Paul continues to highlight that a husband’s love for himself is reflected in how he loves his wife.

And you would think:  “what husband, would ever purposely not care of himself?” and, yet, on the basis of God’s word, we can conclude that as we witness the likes of such things as divorce, domestic abuse, and even murder, we are also acknowledging, at least to some extent, a husbands inability to love himself as God intended.  

And, yet, as we are continually reminded, such love can never be given without Christ being n the center of a marriage.  

So, what greater gift could we ever give our wives than becoming  diligent in allowing God to radically love us so that we can unconditionally support our wives to be the women that God has designed.


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