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Good morning, this is Michael DeRosa. Today’s Scripture lesson comes from John 10:9
I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.
Christ’s words run counter to today’s interest in Spirituality, which fosters a veneer of hope to individuals who become enlightened through various practices over which they allegedly have complete authority
And while our Lord has called us to have mastery over our carnal ambitions we must be very careful to miss the importance of salvation.
While Spirituality notes the importance of salvation, its meaning is a far cry from salvation in Christ
In other words, being enlightened by a Presence called Divine is at odds with humbling yourself at the foot of cross of Jesus Christ’s
And while this New Age Spirituality does give results, it would pay to look at the foundation from which those results come.
Lord Jesus is emphatic when He declares I AM THE DOOR.
Who is Your door to Salvation?