Stand firm therefore, having girded your loins with truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness
Today I am only going to look at our need to put on Truth by way of citing an example from history
Adolph Hitler in his autobiography, Miem Kemp wrote how he told a big lie that fostered antisemitism and brought in the holocaust
The Church, at this time, failed to put on the loins of truth to readily expose this lie.
You see, though they talked about God’s truth, they did not practice it by standing firm against the Evil lie by exposing it.
Today, we are at such a crossroads where each one of God’s people must decide to either put on the Loins of truth to stand firm against the many lies or be silent and allow Evil to run havoc in our society.
So…take note, my fellow Christian by putting on the loins of truth against even seemingly innocuous lies, for being silent towards these only creates building blocks for the Evil one to make more inroads of destruction