You can listen to this recording hereMatthew 6-10 Kingdom of GodLet’s continue unpacking of the Lord’s prayer. Today we are in Mathew 6:10

‘Your kingdom come.

Your will be done,

On earth as it is in heaven.

Jesus is telling us that God’s kingdom is coming.


We can debate it.

We can deny it.

We can scoff.

We can analyze it.

But as surely as you are hearing my voice today, his kingdom is coming.

And Jesus is here is making us aware that the cry of our hearts is to tell God to ‘bring this on’

Bring on the power.

Bring in Your order… The joy… The love… The peace.


With such a focus on God’s design how might our daily praying change?

If we adopted such an intensity in our prayer life might we presume that our worries about this or that will become drastically lessened, and more peace would prevail throughout our day?

There is only one way to find out: Pray, then, in this way.


Blessings on your journey


Categories: Matthew 6:10