Ephesians 6:15

and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

My Christian friend, I think we all know that walking in Peace when sharing the Gospel is impossible when we  try to tie every conversation into God talk with the strong sense of urgency to tell others.

So, let me share a few things I am learning about how to share the gospel in a peaceful manner

  • First, let’s realize that we can not save anyone regardless of our evangelistic tactics and that God is more vested in that person eternal destiny than we could ever possibly be.
  • Secondly, I am appreciating the importance of building a relationship with that other person as I reflect on how God built a relationship with me.  Because of that I was drawn to Him even as I was made aware of my sins because I knew He loved me

And. so, in conclusion, I simply try to build bridges, ask questions, gently expose faulty thinking, and respect that person’s beliefs.  All that gives me opportunity to keep the door open for further conversations


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