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2 Corinthians 5:6 We will be looking at 2 Corinthians 5:5
Now He who prepared us for this very purpose is God, who gave to us the Spirit as a pledge.

Here is something to consider, if God planned for us to inherit heaven through our sufferings, what are we really conveying when we complain when we go through hard times?

Now I know it hurts when a loved one dies, or a friend is taken away to prison, or your life savings are wiped out due to a change in the stock market. And, I am not suggesting that we deny all these types of pain, but might there be more telling questions to ask beyond “Why God, why me?”

Now I am not stoic towards suffering. I have and will shed tears and cry out to God for His direction when I am struggling.

But I really wonder if we are selling ourselves a bill of goods when we presume that

Hardships are barriers to living the abundant life, instead of seeing them as stepping stones to better understand God’s will?

This will not be a light conversation to have, and yet I do want to ask you this

What is keeping you from seeing the Gospel in hard times?