Ephesians 5:32

This mystery is great; but I am speaking with reference to Christ and the church.

A mystery by definition is something that can not be explained, but only observed and -if desired- embraced.

Now, we can readily observe this mystery by noting Christians working together on projects, staying together even in the midst of conflict, and creating a healthy atmosphere for others to join.

What we may not readily observe is the reason for this type of fellowship.  It is their devotion to Christ: 

Namely, their trials, and joys are brought into God’s Holy Presence, who alone shows them  His undying loving delight to be with them throughout this life and into the next one.

In conclusion, now think about this:

As our present day culture struggles to find any type of sustainable hope and peace, consider what God is want ing to do through His church so that others can know of His hope and His love through Christ.


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