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Good Day, this is Michael De Rosa and I want to give us some food for thought with our upcoming Presidential Elections, namely, regardless of your political sway, your party will NOT be the ANSWER for our Country. Let me direct your attention to 1 Samuel 8, where we read that God’s people wanted to be like their neighbors, and couched their concerns by asking for a King.
As you read this chapter and the following ones, you will learn that their demand for a King was not only an affront to God, but they got what they asked for, and that opened up a pandora’s box of trouble which eventually led God’s people into captivity.
So, let’s be careful of what we ask for. The issues of Immigration, Marriage, Gun control, the Economy, Health Care, Education, Taxes, Climate Change, the Environment, and Foreign Policy are being debated because they are important. But, the one thing that you and I, Christian, need to hold in higher regard is the character of godliness in our candidates.
While it is easy to look at a person’s outward appearance and accomplishments, realize that God looks at the heart of an individual.
Let’s prayerfully consider our next leader from this perspective.
Blessings on your journey