Stand firm therefore, having girded your loins with truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness
Today I am only going to look at the later part of this verse, namely the breastplate of righteousness
Now, God’s Word tells us that none of us are righteous, that we, simply, can’t do enough to earn God’s attention; namely, our best day ever would not even come close to win us God’s approval.
So, Friend, just as a breastplate protects our heart -our very life- from an enemy’s attacks, likewise does this breastplate protect our lives from the overt and seemingly innocuous attacks of the Devil as we recognize and receive the righteousness of Jesus Christ.
Now…examples of seemingly innocuous attacks could begin by congratulating ourselves on a recent job promotion, or having the thought of being better than a homeless person; while in both cases, giving minimal thought that God endowed us with gifts to get that promotion; and that God created that homeless person with just as much forethought as when he created us.
So, the take away from all this is to take heed of how false humility and pride are the beginnings of our downfall…when left unchecked