Ephesians 5:21

and subject yourselves to one another in the fear of Christ

Most people I know do not like this word subject because of its negative connotations of demeaning another individual

But, this word as used here  conveys the attitude of thinking more highly of others than ourselves all within the context of serving Christ Jesus our Lord. In fact, the only way to subject ourselves to another individual is to love him

Yet, subjecting ourselves to one another is not the goal; rather it is the God-given means to build healthier relationships for the purpose of sharing God’s story with them.

And, therefore, in conclusion, we are reminded to do this in the fear of Christ, namely do this in the trembling awareness that we who are finite…and weak.,,,and prone to sin are continually watched by the infinite…powerful…and loving Creator who  udges the affairs of all men,

Blessings on your Journey!

-Michael K. De Rosa