For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ also is the head of the church, He Himself being the Savior of the body.
It is easy to recoil at such a statement as this because of the push for equality in our culture today; and, yet, the timelessness of God’s word forces us to assess its mandate in light of our society’s values
Now, this is NOT to suggest that husbands are better than wives. Rather, their role in the family needs to be heeded for this orderliness that God has prescribed fosters a unity of love. Also , let us not forget one parallel between Christ and the husband, namely Christ so loved mankind that He willingly laid his life down for us.
And, in like manner, when the husband, the head of household, protector of his family, is willing to do whatever for the sake of his family knowing God’s love and calling, I dare say that I would be hard pressed to find any wife who would not seek the shelter of such a man by submitting to him.