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Good morning. This is Michael De Rosa and today I am looking at Philippians 2:14
Do all things without grumbling or disputing;
We are not really left with many options as to when we can grumble.
Now, if you think this is impossible, you have arrived at a good place for only God, himself, can work this out in You, doing more than you could ever dream for.
So, to live out his Word we look at the context and find that it takes effort to live the Christian life, that our salvation by grace never was meant to be freedom from the consequences of our actions. Rather, His grace becomes the foundation upon which we mature in faith as we keep an intent focus on God Almighty
Let’s just practice this simple truth: If God said it, let’s obey, and just allow the Holy Spirit to work out the details as we become resolute to living by His word.
Trust God ruthlessly, and roll up your sleeves to seize this day for His glory