Good Day this is Michael De Rosa and I will exploring Ephesians 1:3
3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ,
One of the biggest spiritual blessings the Christian has s forgiveness.
Too often we live under the weight of regrets and have unwittingly accepted the lying narrative from all those past hurts, instead of realizing that our identity is not wrapped up our past and present actions, but in who we are in Christ.
So we need to learn to forgive ourselves, and those who have hurt us n order to be set free from the bondage of those regrets.
You see, Christian, this spiritual blessing already yours, but unless you receive it, it will be likened to your decision to continue to live in the prison of regrets even thought the doors to that cell are wide open
What is the answer, then, you say?
Simply this: Bless God. Praise His Name.
As you do this, His glorious power breaks the control that those regrets have as it shows you whom you belong to.