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Galatians 1-10

Good morning, this is Michael De Rosa and I want to share with you Galatians 1:10.

Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.

Pleasing others is stressful and leaves people drained because they have not learned to develop healthy boundaries.

On the flip side, to be a servant of Christ demands utter devotion and strength of character to stand up to others in order to declare Christian convictions for decisions made.

The similarity between these two is that both require hard work.

The difference, though, is that on one hand, people can live with regrets because they are allowing others to dictate our day; or, on the other hand -even in the midst of struggles, people can remain calm and centered because they   have sought to only please an Audience of One, namely God Himself

If you want to be more earnest in your devotion for Christ, here is a suggestion:

Look over the last couple of days to see who influenced your decisions?  Did you seek more to please God or man in the choices you made