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Matthew 6-9
Good Morning, this is Michael De Rosa and today I want us to look at Matthew 6:9

Pray, then, in this way:
‘Our Father who is in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name.

Two things to note about this text which the Greek shows and that is this:
First, Jesus is not merely making a suggestion about praying: He is declaring this a necessity, which is to be undertaken on a continual basis.

Secondly, when Jesus tells us to pray “hallowed be thy name” he is telling us to pray for an all encompassing awareness of God’s holiness; such that we are aware that every thought of ours and every word and every action is being laid up against the backdrop of an infinitely holy God.

Tall order? Of course! Yet, Jesus would never tell us to do something that he knows we couldn’t do

And, finally, every other concern that we have, regardless of its importance, becomes a lesser priority, when we learn to pray for such an awareness of his holiness.

Think about that