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Psalm 37:33:
The Lord will not leave him in his hand or let him be condemned when he is judged.

What a blessed promise:
While Evil plots our destruction, our Lord will not leave us to the wiles of the Enemy.

But…listen up to what I have to say about this:

This security that our Lord gives is when we are in the center of His will, and that scenario just might not be as we would like: Consider these questions, for instance:

Does Christian persecution mean that God has forsaken them?
Or, do you think that God is closer to those whom misfortune passes by?

So, my Christian friend, when you are hard pressed because of the wickedness around you, pray earnestly that you would see God’s direction and protection, and follow Him throughout this time as He leads you through this. Regardless.

In closing, we must be gracious to each other as we go through valleys of darkness. It can be excruciating, so speak wholesome words that would be grace-filled to help your brother and sister in their time of need

Categories: Psalm 37:33