Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil.
Today, I want us to focus on the end of this Scripture, specifically one scheme of the Devil:
For example-, we have a ‘Bad Day at the office’ that seemingly started when we spilled our coffee on us as we were rushing in to our appt with our boss to ask for a raise.
Now…if we focused on blaming our haste on the traffic delays that that morning… we would have sadly dismissed that our anxious that was in high alert mode towards the thought of talking with the boss. And THAT type of spirit could easily color the entire morning
Now… wouldn’t praying about this anxious and fearful spirit be more beneficial than blaming something else?
You see, part of the Enemy’s schemes is to keep our minds from addressing those root concerns, which he knows God will help us work through by drawing us closer to Himself.
So, be ever mindful to stand firm against the Devil by praying for thos root causes in your own life.
You can do this!