For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.
All the problems we encounter, great or small, have their root cause in the Spiritual Warfare that we are in.
Let me give an analogy to help us appreciate this:
When cold and flue flu season arrive, we purchase meds to address those nasty symptoms of sneezing, high temperatures and sore throats.
However those symptoms did not haphazardly come upon us. Somethings happened for us to become fertile ground for these health problems, which in this case was a weakened immune system brought about by stresses we did not handle well
So…address the stress and lessen or, perhaps eliminate the problem
And, I think we can become more mindful of this Spiritual Warfare by asking ourselves ‘why’ questions, such as why is this happening, then why is that happening…and keep on narrowing your focus to uncover that root cause, the Enemy’s plans to destroy us.
So…how are you allowing God to address your own fertile ground that the enemy is using to destroy you?
Fight the battle, Christian!