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Today I want to talk about worry, and my text will be Matthew 6:32
For the Gentiles eagerly seek all these things; for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things
Oh my friends, just listen, again, to those words, “for – your – Heavenly – Father – knows – that – you – need – all – these – things”.
And what are “all these things”? They are the necessities of life. They are those resources in your reach and that you will daily need to walk in a manner that is worthy of God’s calling.
Think about that: We do not need ANYTHING that is outside of God’s plan for us.
The worry, though, will come in when our focus goes out. Anxious concerns will mount when we start to try to serve God half heartedly, for such times will one day expose the we are serving God out of convenience.
Yet, having our needs met like this does not mean we can become couch potatoes, waiting for God to do it all for us. Rather, we are encouraged to spend our time and efforts in seeking Him.
In fact, I dare say friend, that the more we seek Him, the less you will worry