Psalm  104:10

He makes springs pour water into the ravines;

it flows between the mountains.

I am reminded here of the passage from Isaiah that declares that just as God sends the rain with purpose, He also sends his word to us to accomplish much

My friend, we would do well to understand that our waters that flow so abundantly, at times, and at other times only trickle do so under the Sovereign watch of our Great and Eternally Loving and Just God.

And to try to probe the reasons for how these waters flow -sometimes as a gentle stream and at other times as might currents- outside of acknowledging this as God’s sovereign creation will lead us astray to such things as anger, or stress, or sadness, or fear. 

So, let us not cast our meager judgments on God when waters come to us like a flood or we are parched from thirst for lack of water for there is something far greater happening in that situation than meets the eye.

At such times like these, friend, pray to God, to open your eyes to see what His plan is at this time.  Then simply obey.

Categories: Psalm 104:10