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Today, I want us to look at Philippians 3:14
I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
It is not easy to keep on keeping on. There are countless obstacles in our way towards finishing the race, those that assault our Christian mind-set, and those seeking to dismantle our Christian behaviors
And the only thing that will keep us vigilant to fight the biggest war of our lives is knowing the Prize of the upward call.
The Prize is more than a statement of faith that we are heaven-bound. It is more than experiencing that spiritual high that some have known as Christians. It will be both, being in the presence of Christ and worshiping Him while casting our crowns of accomplishments at His feet.
And while to obstacles that we continually face are unique to each one of us, any one of these struggles can overcome and destroy us because they have been specifically crafted by the Evil one to destroy us.
Keep your eye on the prize.
Keep your heart softened to God’s loving discipline.
Keep your feet moving towards your home in heaven.
Keep your ear attuned towards the Spirit
For the very prize you press on towards is the very prize that God is working out through your life to give to others.