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Matthew 6 10 the will of GodThis is Michael De Rosa. Today let’s try to unpack Matthew 6:10

Let thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven

Let’s think about what Jesus is telling us here:

  • God’s will, His purpose is not something that is out of touch with our lives
  • And… we are meant to be on the front lines in calling forth His will

I am awed that we are given this joyfilled and -may I add terrifying- responsibility in calling forth His will during our day.

Now to do this we need to be mindful of two things:

  1. Recognize that knowing His will comes through interacting with His word. And we do this by taking time to actively listen to Him as we allow His word to challenge our current habits, behaviors, and actions.
  2. Then…after listening – a n d understanding, we are then in position to act by becoming vehicles of change through which God’s purposes are meted out in dutiful fashion


Please remember this:

Knowing His will is challenging but it is not confusing

God has entrusted us with calling forth His purpose:

Let thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven


What must we do about it today?


Blessings in your Journey


Categories: Matthew 6:10