With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints,
One of the most formidable resources we have to thwart Satan’s schemes is prayer; and it is, s a d l y one of the most neglected weapons
Prayers that are are not leaning in to seek God’s will for a particular concern fall short of what God desires for us…because when we understand that prayer need ONLY through our 5 senses, we miss out on grasping how our Sovereign Lord, who knows the full back story to that concern also knows the best way to lead us through it
So, in conclusion, let me say this: let’s learn to pray in our prayers. Let’s be open to God’s probing as we make our petitions before Him. For, in doing so we will draw closer to our Heavenly Father and this will thwart the Enemy’s attempts to destroy your faith.