Ephesians  3:14:

For this reason I bow my knees before the Father,

Paul’s response to God’s work of redemption- even in his tribulations- was to pray

What about us, though?

What is our response to the Good News when we are struggling?

Do we pray or do we resort to trying to figure out our struggle? And we may justify this action by telling ourselves that God gave us a brain and expects us to use it

However, bowing our knee before the Father, is so much more than reading through a list of prayer concerns.  Rather, it takes work, it takes stamina, it takes time,  it takes courage to allow God i to search us to the core, to search our motives and concerns regarding our sufferings.

Friend, no matter what we are going through, praying like this will bring us to a place of understanding how God’s work of Redemption overlays and pervades all our concerns