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Yet You are holy,
O You who are enthronedupon the praises of Israel.
Psalm 22:3New American Standard Bible
Morning, this is Michael De Rosa and today I want to talk about the power that comes to us when we praise God.
I continue to notice that struggles are diminished significantly, when we praise God.
And, it is not that the problems became smaller; but, our perspective changes when we start declaring who God is.
Now this happens because we begin to see and experience that God is sovereign regardless of our problems
A while back we were told that our landlord was going to see our home and we would, then have to move. Initially that caused stress, but when the greater reality that God would provide for us took hold in my heart, stress turned to inner strength
Now, praising God in the midst of life’s concerns may not immediately give us answers, but it does give us awareness that God is still in charge.
Here is a method that I promised in the audio that I use when wanting to praise God: I meditate on His name. And, when I do this, I find peace, and power, the kind of power that affirms within me that God really is in charge, that He has always been, and the He will always be. So, any worries that I have dwindle a lot.
For instance: one of the names of God is El Shaddia (God Almighty).
One of the places where this name is found is in Genesis 17:1, I marvel at how God is telling a 99 year old man to muster up! And, then consider how this same God who equipped Abraham for his life of faith, can AND will equip me…regardless of my age….or any other obstacle that I may think I have.
Let me know what you think. Tell me if you would like more of this type of stuff.
Blessings on your journey!