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Matthew 13-22Good Morning, this is Michael De Rosa, and today I want to talk with you about worry.  My text will be Matthew 13:22

The seed falling among the thorns refers to someone who hears the word, but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke the word, making it unfruitful

Worries come about because we want to control a situation that we can’t.   And even though we are created in God’s image, we have been birthed in Original Sin, which continually tries to get us to consider our own interests above any one else.

So, while we may have developed the worry habit, we simply can not effectively address it by modifying our behaviors.

It is a spiritual problem at its core. And, unless we allow God to overcome our Original Sin, and then -on a daily basis- the continual effects of sin in our lives, we will always succumb to worry.

My friends, if you have time to worry, then use this time instead to Pray.  And see what God will do.

Categories: Matthew 13:22