Ephesians 6:10

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might.

The main question that I want us to focus on right now is this:

How much do we rely on God’s strength throughout the day? Have we come to the place where we lightly hang onto our plans, knowing that our Heavenly Father might just have a better idea that would be wiser to follow? 

Now…listen to this: if I received a gym membership to get in shape but never went to the gym…AND THEN complained that this membership just did not work, you would probably laugh at me; and yet, don’t we do the same with our faith?   Namely, complaining that living by faith is just not working for us, yet seldom going to God coming to the place where we actually to rely on His strength?

And that is what this letter to the Ephesians is challenging us to remember:  namely, that living in a manner worthy of the calling with which we have been called is only done in God’s strength

Where are we today, Christian?  Are we trying to live the Christian life under our own steam? Or, have we come to the place of recognizing that we are totally unfit to do it without God’s strength being continually poured into us?

Yours for His Kingdom,

-Michael K. De Rosa