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Good day, this is Michael De Rosa, and we will be looking at Isaiah 55:4, which reads:
Behold, I have made him a witness to the peoples,
A leader and commander for the peoples.
Here, God tell us that what he did for David, he will do for you: namely, he will make you a witness of His glory to the people around you, and through His witness in your life, others will be led to the Lord.
Now, you may not think you are qualified for this task, but when you receive His gracious invitation to know Him through Christ, you are qualified because you have made yourself available to God’s leading in your life.
Now one thing God did for David was to expose him to the grievous impact that his sin had in order to lead to him to gloriously receive His mercy and grace. Another thing God did was to give him the passion to be after His own heart, God’s heart
And you have been given that calling too.
So, I beg you, do not allow your sin to bring you to despair, but like King David, allow God to lead you to experience His mercy and grace so that you can lead others, who too are undeserving
to this wonderful Salvation