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Good Morning, friend, this is Michael De Rosa and today I want to talk with you about the use of your time so lets look at Psalm 90:12
Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom
Wisdom is the right application of knowledge, specifically the knowledge of God.
And that is important to note, namely that one can be wise without the knowledge of God, but I hope that by the end of this recording you will see the value and the urgency to gain a heart of Godly wisdom
The Bible clearly notes the Sovereignty of God in juxtaposition to our human frailty, and here in his verse this is brought out by reminding us that our days on earth are numbered.
Now we don’t need to walk in dread of this reality. Instead, we can and are implored to develop a continual awareness that God has ordained our days, and that we can make decisions and can take actions based on Godly knowledge from the Bible, and these will leave a legacy of faith for our children and for those who know us
My friend, how are you spending your day to soak in God’s word so that your decisions and actions display Godly wisdom.