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Today I want to talk about your mind, and my text will be Romans 8:7Romans 8:7:

the mind set on the flesh is hostile toward God; for it does not subject itself to the law of God, for it is not even able to do so,





Unless we set our minds on pleasing God, sin will continually make inroads into our lives.

Don’t think for a moment that once you become Christian, you are immune from sin. For that is about as foolish as thinking that once you get that new car, then that one will never rust.

Evil will do all it can until the day we die to tempt us to sin.

So trying to fix our problems with our own wits is akin to trying to clean ourselves with dirty water.

And Once we get rid of the silly notion – that being saved is by grace but living the Christian life is by our downright ingenuity, we will be in a place of receptivity towards God’s guidance, and then with Him leading, we will make decisions to solve problems and to overcome obstacles with His mindset

May you be blest today!



Categories: Romans 8:9