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Proverbs 21:21Good day,  this is Michael De Rosa, from the Mountainside Community Church in Newport, NH, and today I’ll read Proverbs 21:21

He who pursues righteousness and loyalty Finds life, righteousness and honor.

This counsel of God’s word  can guide us in making good decisions and not leave us in regrets of the outcome.  

Here is how: 

First, The Word tells us “pursue”.   Namely, we need to be diligent, single focused, purposely doing all that we can to see that our decision will be grounded in doing the right thing as we remain faithful to following the precepts of His word regardless of the opinions of others

Secondly, His Word tells that we will then ‘Find’.  Namely, the consequence of our pursuit, the result of our endeavors as we co-labor with Christ, will inevitable result in the discovery of deep abiding contentment

Don’t fall prey to Doubts of not knowing what to do:  God never leaves us in the dark, but has given us His Light.