Ephesians 3:6

to be specific, that the Gentiles are fellow heirs and fellow members of the body, and fellow partakers of the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel,

It may be easy to gloss over this mystery, namely that God loved  the gentiles as much as the jews, but there was a long standing sharp divide between these  two groups of people.

Avery deep hatred. 

Now, while it is not easy to love those who are different from us, God tells us that they world will know hat we are his disciples  WHEN WE SHOW LOVE TO ONE ANOTHER

And God expects no less from us  too.

So, do you think that God who set the world in motion would leave us lacking  resources to reach across the aisle, per se, and show love to those who are different from us? 

In closing, consider this question: 

what might happen today if you asked God to show you how He wants you to love that person who is so different from you?