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We will be looking at 2 Corinthians 5:14, which reads:
For the love of Christ controls us, having concluded this, that one died for all, therefore all died
The word ‘control’ is intense, and it calls into mind God’s jealous and zealous love towards us. Let me use the an analogy of marriage to describe this loving control.
Just as in a marriage, when a wife gladly accepts her husband’s authority over her when she knows it is to protect her while guiding her to be the individual whom she was always meant to be, we will most gladly embrace Christ’s love as our parameters in which to live
We live in a world that is literally filled with unrest and not the love of God. Just check out the news, or listen to people talking when you are out and about or observe what is being sold over the counters, observe society’s priorities.
Stress is the new norm
And unless, the Gospel is preached and lived out, one too many people will never know that God provides a way out of all this unrest
My dear Christian friend, you can make a difference. You are called to make that difference, and you will be that difference when you are willing to be fully embraced by His love.