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Romans 14-11


Good Morning, this is Michael De Rosa and today we are looking at Romans 14:11

 For it is written, “As I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bow to Me, And every tongue shall give praise to God.”

Here, the writer reiterates Scripture from the Book of Isaiah, which in its context is addressing the Israelites who are in captivity and telling them that God will set them free and that all people would confess  him as Lord

Now, fast forward to the time of this epistle and you will find the author using this same word as he confronts judging amongst Christians, specifically their accusations towards their brothers and sisters style of worship.  (Hey, sound familiar?).

While the physical contexts of this verse in both testaments are different, one spiritual applications are similar:  namely God will free his people from captivity while everyone will acknowledge His Sovereignty .

And Sin makes us Captive.  This happened when Foreigners ruled over God’s people as noted here in this Old Testament passage; and it is experienced when Christians judge one another

How can that be, you say?

Because when we judge one another, we are holding them Captive to the thought that our way is the best.

Set the captives free.  Stop judging them.

Categories: Romans 14:11