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Today I want to talk about integrity, and my text will be Proverbs 10:9:

He who walks in integrity walks securely, But he who perverts his ways will be found out.
Security is something we need. With the reality of war and the often unsettling news stories we subject we face each day, we long to be in a safe place
And, here, in this text, we learn the absolute promise that our security comes from walking in integrity. Now while integrity is not a shield of armor to protect the physical body, it is a far better shield for it keeps us aligned with God’s plan to give us an eternal home in Heaven.

So just what is integrity? It is Blamelessness and it comes as we allow God to expose our harmful behaviors and thoughts in order to lead us back towards God’s will for us. And all this necessitates our developing and maintaining strong Biblical values regardless of what is happening around us.

What are you doing to build your safety net today?


Blessings on our day, friend!

Categories: Proverbs 10:9