Be imitators of me, just as I also am of Christ

1 Corinthians 11:1  New American Standard Bible

A smart car with a sign on top:  Follow MeThe first time I heard this, it appeared that Paul was a bit arrogant.  Well, it seemed like he was REALLY arrogant…full of himself.

To tell someone to ‘follow me’ is suggesting that my way better than your way.  Right?

It suggests that my way 


BUT…does it imply superiority?  Does this convey that I as a person am better than you?

Or, is it simply telling us that the path that I follow is better than what you are doing right now?


Now, after reading Paul’s writings for a good number of years, I have discovered that this statement was not flaunting any perceived superiority in Paul, but, rather, a statement of urgency to his readers that lets them know that if they are having problems knowing what to do or where to go as a Christian, then they should use Paul as a trail guide because he was confident in his faith walk with Jesus, confident enough to know that they would not e led astray.

How confident are you in your own faith walk?  When was the last time you uttered these types of words to a brother or sister that needed some guidance?

Something to think about?  Something to practice!

Oh, God help us


Blessings on your Journey
