Ephesians 4:2

Always be humble and gentle. Patiently put up with each other and love each other.

Humility has been defined as NOT thinking less of ourselves but of thinking of ourselves less.  In other words, you, Christian are not meant to be a doormat where others walk all over you, but you are to be a steady light of God’s love for you and for others as you daily rub shoulders with the people around you.

And, Humility can and should permeate our lifestyles, Christian.  This is not something that we need to hope for, or stress over for as Christ the Son of God lead a humble life, the Holy Spirit of God, who lives in us creates a desire/delight to follow in our Lord’s footsteps

Friend, humility brings an unshakeable confidence to us because we realize that the core of our existence is rooted in the blessed security that God is our Savior through thick and thin.

And our society desperately needs to see  this.  Will you be that light, Christian.