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Today I want to talk with you about our most important daily need, and my text will be Mathew 6:9
“This, then, is how you should pray: “‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,
Make Your name Holy in me, Lord.
This is our primary need and the reason for this is because we an trust in God’s sovereignty. So the best position to maintain is one of openness towards God’s plans and that can be realized as we pray “let your name be holy”
Holiness literally means separate, both a a separateness from sin, and a separateness towards God.
And when we pray like this, we are literally letting God know that we are willing to do whatever needs to be done to allow Him to move us from the arena of sin and towards His Courts of mercy and grace.
Then, the way that we pray will change in that instead of going down a list of needs to pray over, we are more aware of God’s presence, His already knowing our needs, and His desire to show His glory in every one of our concerns.
What can happen with us if we pray like this?