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Today I want to talk about holiness, and my text will be
Matthew 6:9
Hallowed be your name
Being holy is not something that makes you into a stuffed shirt! You don’t start walking around with your nose in the air, avoiding anything that smacks of evil. On the contrary, God’s word is pretty explicit against such behaviors.
Rather, walking in holiness, simply but profoundly entails saying ‘Yes’ to God throughout the day. Holiness is being willing to reflect upon how your actions and behaviors and words can be a witness for God.
And, in this there is freedom and there is power. Freedom when experiencing that the only One whom you need to be thinking of pleasing is God, Himself; and power in realizing that your influence as you live for Him will be beyond what you could ever ask or think, and that it will all be good
So I urge you when you pray submit your desires, your actions, your words to God for that alone is our spiritual service of worship; and then from that point, God will show you how and what to pray for.
Blessings on your journey!