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Jeremiah 33:3 September 2 2018Good Morning, friend.  This is Michael De Rosa and we are continuing in Jeremiah 33:3

3 ‘Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know.’





Today I want to talk about something else that we may quickly gloss over, and that is the matter of TIME.

Namely, it took Jeremiah time to hear from God. And, in like fashion, we need to invest time to hear from God

For myself, the early mornings are best for me as they provide the necessary quiet that I need in order to better focus on what God is saying to me.

Yet, remember that relationships take time to build, so you will need to be purposeful in setting aside time

And during this time, you will want to have a place that is relatively free from distractions so that you can be more attentive to great and mighty things God is desiring to communicate to you.

Now , be mindful to not become legalistic about this. While having a time and a place set aside to come into God’s presence, shy from seeing this as a job where you arrive and leave at set times.

Rather, focus on the reality Almighty God loves you like no one else and wants His best for your day ahead.