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Matthew 22:39 Loving neighbor Zeke and Grandpa

Zeke and me jamming 🙂

Good Morning, this is Michael De Rosa, and today I want to talk about healthy relationships, which are foundational in life. Regardless of how much OR how little you have in assests, none of it matters when it compares to WHO you have in your life.

My text is Matthew 22:39

You shall love your neighbor as yourself

No part of this entire commandment tells us to acquire STUFF, but only to love on people…and mostly love God.

Now the other day, I gave the performance of a lifetime, a duet actually, and it involved my grandson, Zeke, less than 6 months old. He and I were playing guitar, and he was mesmerized at the sound of the strings, the texture of the strings, the size of the strings, and the sound of the wood

I mean this boy was getting into it. We were jamming because it wasn’t about all that I knew about the guitar, but all that I wanted for Zeke

So, whatever it t takes to step into that other person’s shoes, just know that God has made it possible in Christ.


Who will be your neighbor today?


Blessings on your journey!








Categories: Matthew 22:39