You can listen to the audio post by clicking hereJames 5-15

My dear friends, today I sense the need to talk to you about Faith and healing.  My text is James 5:15

and the prayer offered in faith will restore the one who is sick

We have erred so much in our understanding on healing to the point where, I believe, Evil is having a hay day with us.

Either, we unwittingly we expect God to wait on us, doing everything we ask, or we couch our prayers for healing with so many qualifiers that God Himself may well be puzzled over what we are expecting to happen.

On the one hand, God becomes our puppet; on the other hand, our faith becomes cheapened.

A big factor to overcome both these extremes is to NOT allow our focus to be swayed by the dire situation calling for healing.  Rather, we need to come to that place where we know God as Healer, as Holy, as Lover of us and keep centered on Him as we pray for healing

So be bold in keeping on praying for healing.  Don’t beat around the bush with your prayers.  Declare the reality that God does heal, while being in a place of total submission for how He WILL bring about the healing.

Categories: James 5:15