Good Day this is Michael De Rosa and I will exploring Ephesians 1:2
2 Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
We know that grace is a gift that we don’t deserve; and peace is not the absence of strife, but the wholeness, the mind-body-soul connection with our Lord in the midst of any situation.
Yet, when I consider the problems Paul encountered in these churches, I want us to learn more about giving grace and peace to people who may not just be on your list of favorite individuals.
But, let me tell you something right now: you and I will never, ever be ready to give grace and peace to those around us as long as we have any sort of a favorite list! God doesn’t have favorites. He just has forgiven sinners like us.
And, when we recognize the immensity of the free gift of salvation and the radical transformation we undergo through receiving His peace, proclaiming his grace and peace to others will be as natural as breathing.